A socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of nationwide and international conventions; exhibitions; and business, public, youth, sporting, and cultural events.

The Roscongress Foundation is a socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of nationwide and international conventions; exhibitions; and business, public, youth, sporting, and cultural events. It was established in pursuance of a decision by the President of the Russian Federation.

The Foundation was established in 2007 with the aim of facilitating the development of Russia’s economic potential, promoting its national interests, and strengthening the country’s image. One of the roles of the Foundation is to comprehensively evaluate, analyse, and cover issues on the Russian and global economic agendas. It also offers administrative services, provides promotional support for business projects and attracting investment, helps foster social entrepreneurship and charitable initiatives.

Each year, the Foundation’s events draw participants from 208 countries and territories, with more than 15,000 media representatives working on-site at Roscongress’ various venues. The Foundation benefits from analytical and professional expertise provided by 5,000 people working in Russia and abroad.

The Foundation works alongside various UN departments and other international organizations, and is building multi-format cooperation with 195 economic partners, including industrialists’ and entrepreneurs’ unions, financial, trade, and business associations from 83 countries worldwide, and 280 Russian public organizations, federal and legislative agencies, and federal subjects.

The Roscongress Foundation has Telegram channels in Russian t.me/Roscongress, English – t.me/RoscongressDirect, Spanish – t.me/RoscongressEsp and Arabic t.me/RosCongressArabic. Official website and Information and Analytical System of the Roscongress Foundation:roscongress.org.

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Итоги опроса участников Восточного экономического форума — 2023
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Results of the survey of participants of the Eastern Economic Forum 2023
As part of the EEF 2023, the Roscongress Foundation and VTsIOM conducted a survey to determine the perception of the Forum by its participants.
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Results of the survey of participants of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2023
As part of the SPIEF 2023, the Roscongress Foundation and VTsIOM conducted a survey to determine the perception of the Forum by its participants.
Итоги опроса участников Восточного экономического форума - 2022
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Results of the survey of participants of the Eastern Economic Forum 2022
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Итоги встречи старших должностных лиц по координации научных исследований в Арктике
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Outcome of the Senior Arctic Research Coordination Officials Meeting
The meeting of the Senior Arctic Research Coordination Officials took place on 18 November in a hybrid format in Moscow. The format of the event involved remote participation by foreign delegations. It took place as part of the action plan for Russia’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2021–2023, which is operated by the Roscongress Foundation.
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Outcome of the Arctic Council's Sustainable Development Working Group meeting
The first meeting of the Arctic Council’s Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), chaired by Russia, took place from 26–28 October in a hybrid format in Moscow. The event was hosted by the Roscongress Foundation.